
Guru-T-shirts: My collection of fun ideas and favourite quotes from the courses I have taken, books I have read, and my creations.

From Kim Anami’s famous VAGINA Kung Fu Course. Amazing for creating what you want in your own life … from your vagina!


It all started when…

I went on this amazing journey with Kim Anami and 250 women worldwide on a crazy 8-week journey into all things VAGINA. I got in touch with how sacred my feminine nature is, how much I ignored her, abused her and totally went numb. I learnt about honouring my body, listening to her wisdom, and attracting/creating what I wanted in my life, including Guru-T.


I love this: A well fucked woman is a HAPPY WOMAN!

When you see women who are free in their bodies, they go for what they want, and they have a certain flair about them—you KNOW they are being well-fucked by their partners or by themselves!


Okay, don’t be offended, you PAC; everyone, once in a while, needs to tell those bitches to … CUNT OFF.

—Sincerely, The Passively Aggressive Cunt Master CEO

Perhaps a more subtle text?

Famous white-lady proverb!

Who doesn’t want their man to take them Supernova? (A supernova is the colossal explosion of a star. Just like your Ooooo if you are in deep space.”

If you want deep sex, you need to go deep towards the cervix. Leave the clit out of the picture. You will thank me later. If you don’t know what I am talking about, visit: Vagina Kung Fu with Kim Anami.

My Uncle laughs at me all of the time. LMFAO and “Resa, you are FUNNY AS FUCK!”