2024 Year of the Wood Dragon

New Growth for Businesses and New Beginnings for other areas in your life.


People hire me to investigate their homes, offices and land so that they may uncover hidden blocks, warning signs, and challenges.

Subconscious patterns may be holding you back from keeping or making money, living a purposeful life and attracting relationships. People are overworked, overweight and over-committed. I assist them by clearing the clutter and curing their spaces using Feng Shui* and other healing modalities. This catapults them into prosperity, meaningful careers and the romance they desire.

*The Black Hat Sect Tantric Buddhist method by Master Thomas Lin-Yun of Berkeley, California, is the school where I was trained. This version combines ancient feng shui principles with metaphysics and spirituality. Black Hat consultants rely partly on intuition, teachings and other spiritual and scientific interests.


I never thought there would be so much benefit in applying Feng Shui principals in my home in tandem with shifting the energy and habits in myself and family.

Lisa spent time to understand our personal and collective challenges, values, and spaces then prepared a Trello to do board for three of us to work through over the following 6 weeks which was helpful in staying accountable and feeling accomplished. This included exercises in personal development too. More than just tips on decluttering and colours, Lisa shared how to apply the bagua map to the layout of our house and which of the five elements needed to be toned down or enhanced to invite positive chi and give proper flow throughout.

I appreciated her honesty and suggestions and have learned how important it is to set the stage beginning with your car, front yard, pathway to the front door (e.g. walkway, gate, front step, front door itself are all functioning effortlessly and are free of any junk laying around.

I like Feng Shui because it goes beyond minimalism and really addresses overall health and wealth through symbolic features and cures. The process also kickstarted a major love affair with crystals for my daughter and I which we enjoy often throughout the day as the reflective light hits the walls. And speaking of walls, I never would have guessed that plain white offered so much metal power!

Most grateful to you Lisa


Grandmaster Yun Lin giving Lisa Belter a blessing with her friend Kevin. Berkley, CA 2002

The late Grandmaster Thomas Yun-Lin giving Lisa Belter the official Black Hat blessing with her friend Kevin (on the left but not pictured).
Berkley, CA 2002


“Enjoyed very positive results with your Feng Shui Lisa. When you did my home it coincided with a shift in the way I processed thought and conducted my life. I encountered a spiritual awakening that still resonates with me today. Then you did my office at Nabors Drilling and very shortly after that I left for a better paying, more gratifying job. That new experience ultimately lead me into my own business which ultimately lead me into early retirement. That whole process occurred over less than a five year period ... Pretty amazing. My life experience subsequent to you incorporating Feng Shui into my surroundings was all good ... even the bad!” —Kevin Suffern

Why not address your bedroom to cultivate more sexuality in your life? The bedroom is the second pillar of Feng Shui. It is so essential for regenerating your body and your creativity. Entering into a room that is for you or your lover and that evokes connection, passion, and play is what the human body was meant for. Renovation … starts with imagination and a desire for more.

Feng Shui mission intro video - 2019

Feng Shui is a process. One only needs to be open to sharing one’s life with a practitioner so that one can look for clues inside and outside one’s home that may explain some of the negative misfortunes. Most cures are really common sense. Some cures require little money and positive intentions; others require a more significant investment.

“I encountered a spiritual awakening that still resonates with me today.” —kS

The best advice anyone could give you is to CLEAN your HOME and CLEAN the CLUTTER inside and outside of your home and heart.

Things usually shift on their own when you embark on this process. The Lunar New Year (usually in January or February) is an excellent time to clean and purge your home each year. After the Gregorian New Year, clean to move through your house in 3-6 weeks. I also recommend you throw out or give away the four old staples; sugar, rice, flour, and salt — and bring the New Year in with positive staple chi.

There are also so many beautiful books to look at. LIVING COLOR by the late Grandmaster Lin Yun was the first book I bought after attending an interior design conference in Vancouver 1997, a lecture by Linda Lenore.


Sarah Rossbach wrote the first English Feng Shui book with Master Lin Yun in 1994.

David Kennedy’s book: Feng Shui for Dummies is also a very good book, and I highly recommend that one for beginners.


Book doesn’t look serious!!!! BUT IT IS! So good, I still learn new things each time I read it.

My cat Jingles and a really funny postage stamp idea my sister sent me.

FANG SHUI: My cat Jingles and a really funny postage stamp my sister sent me.